Events from the life of factory workers

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A new season of the Art-Term charity project has taken place

The evening turned out to be diverse. The stylish show "Creative Everyday life" on an improvised podium brought together a variety of women. 

The program included various master classes and studios from professional craftsmen (psychological training, master classes in floristry, wood painting, dancing, etc.), as well as an art exhibition, a photo zone, and a tea party.  

Everyone involved managed to create an atmosphere of beauty, renewal and creativity. Spring is like that!

The departments of Ruspolimet JSC were thanked for the organizational assistance of the project: the HR Directorate headed by N.N. Kubantseva, the Corporate Communications Department headed by S.A. Serdechnaya, the business administration headed by E.A.Lbova, as well as the kulebachans who took an active part in the creation of the exhibition.

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The departments of Ruspolimet JSC were thanked for the organizational assistance of the project: the HR Directorate headed by N.N. Kubantseva, the Corporate Communications Department headed by S.A. Serdechnaya, the business administration headed by E.A.Lbova, as well as the kulebachans who took an active part in the creation of the exhibition.

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The departments of Ruspolimet JSC were thanked for the organizational assistance of the project: the HR Directorate headed by N.N. Kubantseva, the Corporate Communications Department headed by S.A. Serdechnaya, the business administration headed by E.A.Lbova, as well as the kulebachans who took an active part in the creation of the exhibition.

" href="/upload/iblock/fc6/so7chqpzhpb0quoo70dp2lez9uptqqkk/pO-S0ZGwdeQ.jpg">
"Kulebaki - the XIX century. Legacy"

On April 22, the Museum of History and Local Lore named after the brothers A. and G. Struve, with the support of the Developing - Creating Charitable Foundation, hosted the opening of the folk exhibition "Kulebaki – the XIX century. Legacy". Since 1872, when the metallurgical plant in Kulebaki was acquired by the Struve brothers and, one might say, was reborn, the Kulebaki region was experiencing an economic upswing. The main theme of the exhibition was the reflection of the life of factory workers and residents of the city of that period. 

The departments of Ruspolimet JSC were thanked for the organizational assistance of the project: the HR Directorate headed by N.N. Kubantseva, the Corporate Communications Department headed by S.A. Serdechnaya, the business administration headed by E.A.Lbova, as well as the kulebachans who took an active part in the creation of the exhibition.