Events from the life of factory workers

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Talented production workers, employees who make an invaluable contribution to the company's activities, veterans of the district and the plant, members of public organizations gathered at a festive event dedicated to the Day of the Metallurgist and the City Day.

Each of them deserves the greatest respect, because all their lives they have worked and continue to work on their native land for the benefit of our district. All of them were awarded Certificates of Honor, Letters of thanks, titles "Honorary Veteran of Labor", "Veteran of Labor" and other awards within the framework of the holiday.

A holiday for veterans
Vladimir Putin launched the work of the special metallurgy complex

The President launched the work of a new complex of special metallurgy built at Ruspolimet via video link. 

The production site, designed to produce high-quality metal for mechanical engineering, was launched during a meeting with the president dedicated to the development of domestic metallurgy. 

Governor Gleb Nikitin and the head of the enterprise Viktor Klochai got in touch from the workshop of special electrometallurgy.