Events from the life of factory workers

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Flags of "Ruspolimet" and "Grankom" - on Elbrus Alexey Demchenko, Production Director of Grankom LLC, and Andrey Kalmykov, a leading engineer of the Technological Bureau for Electrometallurgy of Ruspolimet JSC, as part of the tour, climbed the famous five-thousandth peaks of the Caucasus: Kazbek (altitude 5033 m above sea level) and the dormant volcano, the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe - Elbrus (5642 m). Both are the leaders of production and active sports fans. This campaign became for them a serious test not only of physical, but also of moral preparation.
"Clockwork ecologists" Activists of the Council of Young Specialists of Ruspolimet JSC decided for the first time to take part in the Ecoquest-2023 event called "World Cleanliness Day", organized in Nizhny Novgorod. For 4 years now, the ecoquest has been taking place on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Rowing Canal. Eco-activists of the factory SMS are also not indifferent to environmental problems and issues of environmental cleanliness, which proves their participation in all kinds of actions and subbotniks on the territory of the city of Kulebaki with the support of the company's management.