Events from the life of factory workers

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Really great winter festival was held at the Dubrovskys' Palace of Culture.

The Fifth Annual Creative Competition among employees of Ruspolymet PJSC "Stars at the workplace are the stars on the stage!" was held in the atmosphere of New Year's miracles, magic and joy. That evening, the stage was taken by talented representatives of many plant subdivisions: Mechanical Machining Shop, SPECELECTROMETALLURGY Shop, Design Bureau of the Process Management Department, Process Control Department, Mechanical Repair Department, Radial Forging Shop, Forging and Rolling Shop, Corporate Communications Department, Human Resources Directorate.

30 November 2021: the 24,140th smelting for the anniversary Exactly 10 years ago, on 30 November 2011, Ruspolymet PJSC put into operation a new electric steelmaking complex which took five years to be finally built. This was a big step towards new opportunities for our company.