Events from the life of factory workers

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Before the Victory day (May 9) the volunteers from the Young Professionals Board participated in the All-Russian campaign called “Saint George's ribbon” The young people gave more than 100 ribbons to the employees of the plant, urging them to wear the ribbons as a sign of remembrance and gratitude to the soldiers who died in battles, homefront workers who assisted the Victory, and to all those who, without sparing themselves, fought for peace and quiet in the Great Patriotic War.
This campaign aims to remind the participants of the heroism of their grandparents and great-grandparents.
We remember! And we are proud!
The annual family holiday "Heroic Fun"! On February 22, despite the frost and cold, the most athletic and active guests arrived at the hospitable "Dubrava" for the annual family holiday "Heroic Fun"! The event took place in compliance with the necessary security measures, and due to a strong minus outside the window, it was moved to the dining room building.
For the third year in a row, the Council of Young Professionals of the enterprise, with the support of the Corporate Communications Department, is organizing an event, which brings together participants of different ages and professions, families, companies and alone to have fun and usefully spend time, recharge with excellent mood and wake up from the "winter hibernation". by taking part in sports competitions and activities. This year the program of the holiday included both traditional moments and new types of competitions.