Events from the life of factory workers

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EMPLOYEES OF RUSPOLYMET ARE IN THE TOP TEN IN THE CORPORATE RACE ON THE SKI OF RUSSIA Traditionally, the Ski Track of Russia festival was held near the Oksky Bereg microdistrict near Nizhny Novgorod. Snowy and frosty weather did not frighten fans of winter sports. 3,000 Nizhny Novgorod residents entered the ski track - this is the maximum number of participants who, due to sanitary restrictions, could simultaneously attend the tournament.
The distance is symbolic, 2021 meters. Teams of 24 Nizhny Novgorod companies fought for the victory, a total of about 200 skiers. Employees of Ruspolimet - CNC machine operator Anton Igoshin and leading engineer of the repair planning department Vladimir Alekseev, who are fond of skiing - finished in the top ten.
Solemn ceremony of awarding signs and certificates to graduates of the Master's School - 2020 was held as part of the graduation. By the way, the date of January 19 itself turned out to be significant - on this day in 1925, a million-strong bandage was released and laid in the foundation of the monument to Lenin near our museum. It became a significant milestone in the history of the plant's achievements and development, a symbol of the company's stability and success.