Events from the life of factory workers

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1. Athletic, strong, brave! Ruspolymet team at the Nation’s Cross-Country Race 2020 On September 19, the Ruspolymet team took part in a competition on the All-Russia Running Day in Nizhny Novgorod. The company’s representative team covered 1 kilometer as part of a corporate-level race. Three plant employees also represented the company during an 8 km race.
Ruspolymet employees received government awards shortly before the Metallurgist’s Day Andrey Sanosyan, Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, paid a visit to Ruspolymet. The region’s deputy head inspected the upgraded production facilities at the Kulebaki plant which compares in terms of its capacities to the world’s major companies: the countrywide unique shop for special electrometallurgy, the state-of-the-art forge-and-press production, the all-new radial forging shop.