Events from the life of factory workers

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"Hero-Knights’ Fun and Play" Dubrava welcomed its guests – participants of the second family sporting event “Hero-Knights’ Fun and Play” - with truly spring weather on the eve of the Defender of the Motherland Day. As custom has it, amusements and sporting contests were awaiting everyone there: the little ones, the older children, and the real grown-up “hero-knights”. It has become a good tradition to arrange this open air entertainment in the last days of February for the employees of Ruspolymet PJSC and the townsfolk.
Russian Ski Run 2020 The team of Ruspolymet PJSC won the second place in the most mass ski race – Russian Ski Run 2020. Our powerful “rocket” Vladimir Alekseyev led the team to victory! The guys did not let us down and fought for every second to the very finish! Over 13,000 participants, the personal example of our most esteemed Governor Gleb Sergeyevich Nikitin, festive atmosphere, healthy lifestyle - that’s exactly what makes you sincerely love and gladly take part in the Russian Ski Run!