Events from the life of factory workers

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Ruspolimet at the Russian Powerlifting Championship

Athletes and employees of Ruspolimet, as part of the national team of the Nizhny Novgorod region, took part in the Russian Powerlifting Championship (classic triathlon), which was held in the SSHOR Victoria in Yekaterinburg. Roman Strelov, a veteran of the KMS, performed for the first time in the M2 age category (athletes aged 50-59 years). Roman set 2 Russian records among veterans in the bench press exercise and 2 Russian records among veterans in the total triathlon and confidently took 1st place in the 93 kg weight category, 1st place in the absolute standings and 1st place in the team standings! KMS Andrey Shilin competed in the 105 kg weight category, improving personal results in squats, deadlifts and the total of the triathlon (new records in Kulebaki 280 kg - deadlift, 740 kg – the total of the triathlon), confidently fulfilled the standard of the Master of sports of Russia and took 11th place.

Factory workers - participants of the run "Run, hero!"

The Council of young specialists, athletes of our company Ruspolimet JSC overcame the jubilee run "Run, hero!" in Nizhny Novgorod. 

The Ruspolimet team took part in the half marathon for the fourth time. Our athletes entered the race for the first time in 2021. 

According to tradition, there are three distances in the half marathon "Run, hero!": 5, 10, 21 km. We are proud that our young men and women have represented the company at each of the proposed distances.