Events from the life of factory workers

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Ruspolimet at the exhibition "Russia"

On May 18, the HR Directorate organized a trip for employees of Digital Capital and office divisions of our company to Moscow for the Russia exhibition.

The territory of VDNH is a large-scale projection of the whole country, where all subjects, major corporations and organizations are represented. Our employees were able to visit those pavilions that were particularly interesting to them: the machine-building, oil, nuclear industries, regions, stands for the latest digital technologies. During this day, they were able to learn a lot about advanced technological developments, breakthrough discoveries, and Russia's main victories in industry and digitalization.

All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia"

The guys of the Council of Young Specialists of Ruspolimet JSC joined the All-Russian action "Water of Russia" and together with the environmental safety sector of the Kulebaki city administration and other activists of urban organizations went to the annual cleaning of the shore of the Novostroisky pond.

Clean–up days are a useful and necessary thing! Thanks to the efforts of caring youth, the coastal area was cleared of debris, old branches and windfall, elements of the stay of unscrupulous people.