Events from the life of factory workers

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About 200 people took part in the city patriotic sports marathon "Victory Wind-2024"! Families of kindergarten students, schoolchildren and students, enterprises and organizations, pupils of military-patriotic clubs. The team of Ruspolimet JSC also became a participant in this event.

On this day, the teams gathered at the Struve Brothers Museum to start from the walls of the Teremka for a long distance around the city at the marathon checkpoints. Shooting, carrying a wounded man in a chemical attack, throwing grenades, a sports obstacle course, first aid and many other tests were waiting for the Kulebachan team. In addition to physical training, the marathon runners tested themselves in their knowledge of history.

"The Wind of Victory-2024"
A new season of the Art-Term charity project has taken place

The evening turned out to be diverse. The stylish show "Creative Everyday life" on an improvised podium brought together a variety of women. 

The program included various master classes and studios from professional craftsmen (psychological training, master classes in floristry, wood painting, dancing, etc.), as well as an art exhibition, a photo zone, and a tea party.  

Everyone involved managed to create an atmosphere of beauty, renewal and creativity. Spring is like that!