Events from the life of factory workers

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The departments of Ruspolimet JSC were thanked for the organizational assistance of the project: the HR Directorate headed by N.N. Kubantseva, the Corporate Communications Department headed by S.A. Serdechnaya, the business administration headed by E.A.Lbova, as well as the kulebachans who took an active part in the creation of the exhibition.

" href="/upload/iblock/d17/kx2st9wnp49lgldp0yk5b2krlioc2bwp/SAV-dA_bn14.jpg">

The departments of Ruspolimet JSC were thanked for the organizational assistance of the project: the HR Directorate headed by N.N. Kubantseva, the Corporate Communications Department headed by S.A. Serdechnaya, the business administration headed by E.A.Lbova, as well as the kulebachans who took an active part in the creation of the exhibition.

" href="/upload/iblock/490/okj6q7qnjcgezhf44y9t0956hj3ir6ia/82DEOY6Cuj0.jpg">

The departments of Ruspolimet JSC were thanked for the organizational assistance of the project: the HR Directorate headed by N.N. Kubantseva, the Corporate Communications Department headed by S.A. Serdechnaya, the business administration headed by E.A.Lbova, as well as the kulebachans who took an active part in the creation of the exhibition.

" href="/upload/iblock/fc6/so7chqpzhpb0quoo70dp2lez9uptqqkk/pO-S0ZGwdeQ.jpg">
"Kulebaki - the XIX century. Legacy"

On April 22, the Museum of History and Local Lore named after the brothers A. and G. Struve, with the support of the Developing - Creating Charitable Foundation, hosted the opening of the folk exhibition "Kulebaki – the XIX century. Legacy". Since 1872, when the metallurgical plant in Kulebaki was acquired by the Struve brothers and, one might say, was reborn, the Kulebaki region was experiencing an economic upswing. The main theme of the exhibition was the reflection of the life of factory workers and residents of the city of that period. 

The departments of Ruspolimet JSC were thanked for the organizational assistance of the project: the HR Directorate headed by N.N. Kubantseva, the Corporate Communications Department headed by S.A. Serdechnaya, the business administration headed by E.A.Lbova, as well as the kulebachans who took an active part in the creation of the exhibition.

On the course with the Olympic champion

Representatives of Ruspolimet JSC took part in the annual Deminsk ski Marathon on a global scale, held in the Yaroslavl region. Our city district was represented by: Gladkov Sergey and Alekseev Vladimir - participants of the 50 km race, Gladkova Sasha - participant of the 5 km race. More than 500 participants took part in the 5 km race, and about 3,000 skiers, including representatives of 9 foreign countries, took part in the men's 50 km race. Everyone coped with the distance with dignity and had a lot of fun, because they ran the distance together with Olympic champion Alexander Bolshunov!