
The issue of personnel training for industry became one of the main issues at an extraordinary meeting of the coordinating council of the RSPP branches in the Volga Federal District. The meeting was held on March 2 under the leadership of Viktor Klochai, Vice-President of the RSPP, head of the Ruspolimet group.  

According to the President of the UNN. Lobachevsky, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Volga Federal District Roman Strongin, the task of increasing the number of employees in the real sector cannot be solved only by the education system. The active participation of enterprises is important - the organization of practices and mentoring, the establishment of additional scholarships, support for young professionals.  

"School, education cannot prepare graduates as parts in stock that you will take when needed. These are people, they have their own destinies, interests, and they need to be dealt with," Roman Strongin addressed the participants of the meeting. 

At the same time, in order for universities to adapt educational programs to the nature of a student's future work, it is important to understand how many and which specialists need to be trained. "The issue of timely ordering of enterprises for specialists is becoming a priority," the President of the UNN noted. 

The need to increase the role of employers in the issue of personnel training was also noted by the assistant to the Presidential Envoy to the Volga Federal District, Sergey Kozlov. "The enterprises of the district need to actively interact with universities in terms of forming a request for personnel, submit applications to universities and vocational training institutions for training in the areas they require," he said. 

According to Viktor Klochai, chairman of the co-council of RSPP branches in the Volga Federal District, the importance of this work will be brought to all associations of industrialists in the district. "Roman Grigoryevich Strongin made a very important report, which will form the basis for understanding the tasks of organizing joint work of employers and educational institutions. You can't train personnel if you don't know who, how much you need to train. Accordingly, one of the requests to the regional offices of the RSPP is to coordinate the work of enterprises to plan their staffing needs for at least 5 years. This is one of the areas of work that every company should conduct," Viktor Klochai said. 

The meeting participants also discussed issues of technological independence. The importance of work on import substitution with the definition of priority areas was noted. All the proposals made will be sent to the central office of the RSPP, the State Duma and the ministries of the federal government.  

A number of organizational issues were also resolved at the meeting. Alexander Anosov, General Director of the Nizhny Novgorod Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, has been appointed deputy Chairman of the RSPP branches' co-council in the Volga Federal District. Vitaly Antonevich, who worked as deputy chairman of the coorsovet, remains in the team and for many years of work was awarded an honorary badge and a diploma of the NAPPA. 

Source: Business News