There is a lot of discussion, which is surprising in industrial circles, about school education. In March, at the congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a proposal was made to cancel the Unified State Exam; in April, at the Presidium of the State Council on Industry, it was proposed to return drawing to the school curriculum. We are talking about the initiatives of industrialists in the education and training of young specialists with the vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, chairman of the board of directors of Ruspolimet JSC Viktor Klochai.

- Victor Vladimirovich, why such attention of industrialists to school?

"There are no mysteries here. It is very simple to characterize the importance of school education with the phrase of American President John F. Kennedy, who said that the Soviet Union won the space race at the school desk, thereby recognizing the unconditional, indisputable advantage of school education.

School education is a basic education that is further transformed into concrete skills to think, analyze, create, learn further.

Today, there is probably no need to talk about the abolition of the Unified State Exam, because this is one of our characteristic features - we are trying to erase everything that was before, and we have done it many times. In this regard, it is probably necessary to talk about some kind of transformation of this system. The good thing is that the graduate can confirm his knowledge in the form of points, with which he already enters universities on a competitive basis. This should be saved. The question is different. How to eliminate contradictions between assessments and knowledge? I was a participant in the conversation when it came to tutoring, and today tutoring has been going on since the first grade, and this is also nonsense, which was formed in the process of transformation of education, and the teacher asks the question, why do you need tutoring - to gain knowledge or to take a Unified state exam.

As a graduate of the school, I passed seven exams - in mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian language, literature, history and a foreign language. This is a package that was considered basic, fundamentally important for a graduate, for a person entering adulthood. It is important to provide classical education in the main subjects so that the child is immediately focused on the need to study the full school curriculum.

What is best in the Unified State Exam system, in my opinion, needs to be analyzed, left, what does not meet the requirements of the time, reviewed, what was best in the programs of earlier periods, including the Soviet one, meaningfully returned. And then the child goes to college or university, everyone has their own choice, but a good basic school education is the foundation of the basics.

"It is important that the teaching profession is prestigious"

And of course, in my opinion, special attention should be paid to raising the status of a teacher, because, unfortunately, these conversations about the fact that a teacher is a service worker, it just sounds blasphemous. The teacher teaches not only the subject, a good classical teacher teaches a lot.

My grandmother was a village teacher. I remember well how we were walking through the village with her, and everyone greeted us: "Hello, Lyubov Matveyevna." What did that mean? This indicated that there was a status and there was a responsibility. The teacher had a responsibility to these people who treat her like that. And she was thinking about how to make their children worthy people.

Therefore, the salary and additional social guarantees - a social package, if you want, the teacher should have. It is necessary to do everything so that the teaching profession is prestigious, so that teachers go by vocation.

- It is known that enterprises are faced with an acute shortage of specialists. What do you think, the industrialist's view, needs to be done to balance the situation?

- Look, we have come to a period when several factors coincided. Until recently, technical universities could not recruit students, school graduates went to managers, economists, lawyers.

I think the Prime Minister's initiative on secondary vocational educational institutions is very correct, which allows enterprises to use investment tax deductions to improve the material and technical base of technical schools and colleges. The Nizhny Novgorod Region was the first to respond and adopted the relevant regional law. So, in Kulebaki, we will use this mechanism to support and develop the metallurgical college.

The second factor is the situation we are in in terms of demography. Today, of course, serious measures have been taken by the government. At the same time, employers should also participate in this. We are talking about creating conditions for young families, affordable long mortgages, support for large families.

The company has a potential opportunity, as much as it is, it is necessary to use it to support families with children. The father and mother work at the factory, there should be additional payments for the first child, second, third, fifth child. The state, for its part. We have made such decisions at our enterprises.

Source: Business News