Dear factory workers! 
Congratulations on your professional holiday - Metallurgist's Day! 

First of all, we would like to thank all the employees of Ruspolimet JSC for their highly effective work, for their active participation in all ongoing projects, for their dedication to the profession, for preserving and multiplying the best professional traditions, for high production performance. 

Metallurgy is one of the key industries. Our daily work is a great merit in increasing the industrial potential of the country, developing the infrastructure of the region, strengthening the social sphere of the city. 

Each of you has reason to be proud of the large-scale achievements of your native enterprise related to the completion of the main modernization program, the development of innovative technologies, and the range of products for strategic industries. Therefore, today is a great opportunity to express gratitude and respect to a man of work - for his skill and golden hands, to an engineer - for talent and advanced creative thought, to veterans - for experience, to young people - for prospects. 

We wish you, dear factory workers, new labor heights and strong as steel, health, happiness, well-being, success to you and your loved ones. 

V.V.Klochai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Ruspolimet
M.V.Klochai, General Director of OJSC Ruspolimet