"What can support us in difficult times? What gives us support in the days of constant changes? What makes you feel needed and confident? Of course, this is respect - for yourself, for your neighbors, for your relatives, for your family. It is they who make our life what it is. They help to cope with uncertainty and doubt, help to understand that we are the support, the support for those we love" - it was with such wonderful words that the celebration dedicated to the professional holiday of miners and metallurgists began in Moscow on July 11, 2023. Among the participants of the event are representatives of mining and metallurgical enterprises from 28 regions of Russia. 

The key event of the event was the awarding ceremony of the winners of the XX industry competition "Enterprise of the mining and metallurgical complex of high social efficiency" in 2022. 49 enterprises of 11 sub-sectors of the mining and metallurgical complex took part in the competition, including JSC Ruspolimet. 

The awards were presented in five categories: "Socio-economic efficiency of the collective agreement", "Personnel development", "Health protection and safe working conditions", "Environmental protection and resource conservation", "Work with youth". 

Ruspolimet became the winner of the competition in the nomination "Environmental protection and resource conservation". The award was received by the chairman of the trade union committee N.M.Molodtsov and the head of the Department of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Ecology N.V.Glazov. It should be noted that our company has been the winner of this competition in various nominations for many years. For example, last year we received an award in the nomination "Health protection and safe working conditions", in 2021 - in the nomination "Personnel Development". 

The winners of the contest were congratulated by: Chairman of the GMPR Alexey Bezymyannykh; Executive Director of AMROS Alexey Okunkov; President of the Russian Union of Commodity Producers Oleg Soskovets, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Mikhail Tarasenko, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia Alexander Shershukov. Greetings were read out from the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M. Mishustin, Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V.Volodina. 

Congratulating those present on Metallurgist's Day, everyone talked about the great contribution of miners and metallurgists to the development of the Russian economy, about the daily, selfless, hard work that ensures the prosperity of Russia. 

On the same day, the participants of the solemn event laid flowers at the Grave of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin Wall in the Alexander Garden.