On October 4, at the initiative of Ruspolimet JSC, a grand opening of an educational and industrial IT cluster was held in our district.

Ruspolimet JSC initiated the creation of an IT cluster last year. Then the students of school No. took part in the pilot project 1. This year we decided to make this cluster interschool, so that any 9th grader would have the opportunity to attend classes in the cluster and explore the world of information technology.

The IT cluster united Ruspolimet, HSE (Nizhny Novgorod), Kulebak Metallurgical College and all schools of the Kulebak district. Starting next week, the guys will study in the cluster every week and take master classes, participate in projects, visit Ruspolimet to see with their own eyes how information technologies are used in real production, meet with specialists of the enterprise, and also learn how to get an education to become a real IT specialist.

- We worked in the same way together with students of NSTU and HSE. Therefore, we have already worked out the mechanisms. On the basis of the college, KMK teachers, HSE teachers will conduct classes, master classes and implement various projects with senior and 9th grade students," said Lyudmila Guseva, Director of the Kulebak Metallurgical College.

Already today, as part of the opening of the cluster, the first lesson was held. Teachers and students of the Higher School of Economics conducted thematic master classes for students, teachers and parents. It was a fascinating dive into the IT world. The beginning has been laid, many more interesting events and important events are waiting for the guys ahead.

- It is impossible to develop industry and move towards new achievements without the support of IT specialists. A large enterprise requires the mandatory presence of such an IT architect, a business informatician who understands how to optimize all processes using information technology," Natalia Serova, Deputy Director of the HSE branch in Nizhny Novgorod, stressed.

 Ruspolimet, together with our partners - educational organizations, will do everything to make classes in the IT cluster useful and help its participants determine their further professional choice.

- We have started career guidance work since elementary school and since early childhood we have been laying interest in metallurgical, technical professions in children, popularizing the profession of an engineer, - said Nina Kubantseva, HR Director of Ruspolimet JSC.

And already on October 10, the opening of an educational and industrial cluster of a technical profile for students of grades 9-10 of our district will take place.