In accordance with the program of external and internal audits, according to the order of the General Director, in the period from October 2 to October 5, Ruspolimet JSC conducted the first supervisory audit of the quality management system of the enterprise by the auditor of TMS RUS LLC (Moscow). More detailed information on this issue was provided by the head of the Department of Standardization, Certification and Quality Management Vasily Ivanovich Dryanitsyn.

The purpose of the audit was to conduct the 1st inspection control of the certified production of JSC "Ruspolimet" according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015. The certificate for this requirement was issued last year, the inspection is carried out in the next two years and a recertification audit is carried out in the third year if the requirements of the standard are relevant for the enterprise.

During the audit, all departments included in the Quality Management System (QMS) of the enterprise may be subject to verification. In the case of an inspection audit, a random check of divisions is carried out. The following departments took part in this inspection: CC and MC as part of OSSiUK; TSL; OTC, including BVP; TECHU; personnel Directorate; production Directorate; Chief Engineer Service, etc. All the departments that took part in the audit showed their high competence and involvement in the scope of the company's QMS.

The preliminary results of the audit are satisfactory, the auditor has issued a proposal to the certification body to extend the validity of the certificate. According to the results of the audit, a report will be sent to the company by the certification body.

Successful completion of this audit and the availability of a certificate according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 will allow the company to continue deliveries to friendly foreign countries and receive new orders.