
For the effective operation of the enterprise, the implementation of the policy and the achievement of the set goals in the field of quality, taking into account the needs and expectations of consumers, it is necessary to maintain the Quality Management System (QMS) of Ruspolimet JSC in working order and contribute to its continuous improvement. The quality of functioning of the QMS of the enterpriseyatiya is determined, among other things, when the second party passes audits, i.e. checks by consumers. 

According to the order of the General Director, on November 14 and 15, Ruspolimet JSC underwent an audit of the supplier by the customer of V.V.Chernyshev MMP JSC. More detailed information on this issue was provided by Olga Vladimirovna KOSHEVAROVA, a leading specialist in certification of OSSiUK. 

- Supplier audits are conducted annually at our company - a procedure for checking the supplier company in order to assess reliability, the possibility of long-term cooperation with it with constant high quality of products and compliance with supply discipline, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the QMS. In this case, the supplier of the products is JSC Ruspolimet, the customer is JSC MMP named after V.V.Chernyshev. 

During the audit, the QMS of the enterprise provided by the Department of Standardization, Certification and Quality Management (OSSiUK) was reviewed. The auditors visited the following factory divisions: HR Directorate, sales service, Raw materials and procurement Department, external acceptance bureau, production support group, ring rolling and metallurgical production, reviewed the process of equipment maintenance and repair. The auditors were particularly interested in the central factory laboratory (TSL), where a high level of work and modernization of equipment were noted. The personnel of the involved departments approached the issue of conducting the audit with full responsibility: provided all the necessary documentation, showed high qualifications, clearly and substantially answering all the questions posed. 

On November 17, a message was received from IECQ CB about the issuance of the ISO19443:2018 certificate of the European standard by Ruspolimet JSC for compliance with the special requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2015 by the relevant organizations. 

Successful completion of this audit gives our company the privilege of supplying products to JSC "MMP named after V.V.Chernyshev". Representatives of the customer assured the management of the enterpriseI am sure that Ruspolimet JSC is a stable supplier and a worthy business partner.