
Over the past ten years, our company has been characterized as dynamically developing, which allowed Ruspolimet JSC to enter many new markets – energy engineering, oil and gas industry, powders and granules, special products. Our capacities, modern equipment and specialist competencies allow us to produceI produce such products with a quality that is not inferior to foreign analogues, and fully meets the needs of our customers. In order to verify the manufacturing capabilities of the supplier of products of appropriate quality ordered by the consumer, audits are conducted by Customers. 

According to the order of the General Director of the enterprise, in the period from November 21 to November 23, Ruspolimet JSC was audited by the Customer of AEM Technologies JSC. Vasily Ivanovich DRYANITSYN, head of the OSSiUK, informed about this in more detail: 

- Annually, our company conducts audits of the supplier by Customers - a procedure for checking the supplier's enterprise in order to assess reliability, the possibility of long-term cooperation with it with constant high quality of products supplied and compliance with supply discipline, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the QMS. 

Audits are carried out at the request of the Customer with prior notification to us, as a supplier of products, according to the Customer's schedules. In this case, the deliveryThe supplier of the products is JSC Ruspolimet, the Customer is JSC AEM Technologies. 

During the audit, the company's QMS documentation provided by the Department of Standardization, Certification and Quality Management was reviewed. The auditors visited the Quality Control and Management Center, technical Management, Sales Department of Nuclear and Power Engineering, production Directorate, electrometallurgy workshop, special electrometallurgy workshop, forging machining workshop, logistics Department. The staff of all the departments involved provided all the necessary documentation, clearly and substantially answered all the questions raised, confirming their high qualifications. 

The report prepared by the auditors noted that the audit group of JSC AEM-Technologies confirms the compliance of the quality management system of JSC Ruspolimet with the stated requirements. Passing this audit gives the Customer confidence in the quality of the manufactured products, and our company a high reputation in the sales market and the opportunity to receive additional orders.