
The process of organizing business trips usually takes a lot of time. For an employee who is traveling on a business trip, you need to pick up tickets, book a hotel, find a transfer, and upon return, submit all necessary documents to the accounting department. The accountant, in turn, needs to prepare reports, and the head should control the entire process. For a more competent arrangement of the business trip process, the project (subsystem) "Business trip data Management" is currently being implemented at our enterprise.

The project was developed by employees of the Directorate for Digital Transformation of Ruspolimet JSC together with Evola. The project is managed by Dmitry Dmitriev, Head of the OViSIS Personnel Support Group. The project team included specialists from such factory departments as accounting, case management, information technology department, labor and payroll department, etc.

As part of the conceptual stage, the functional scope of the project was approved: registration of sending employees on business trips, preparation of an advance report on expenses incurred, implementation of personnel electronic document management, formation of complete and reliable reporting on time and financial resources spent on business trips, creation of mechanisms for integration interaction with existing information systems of the enterprise.

Thanks to the implementation of this project and a modern approach to business trip management at the enterprise, the procedure for registration of business trips will be significantly simplified, in particular, the time for processing documents, expenses and reporting will be reduced. The process will become clearer and more transparent.

In addition, since May 1 of this year, the following self-service services have been put into commercial operation: "Vacation planning", "Vacation management", "Appointment of a substitute manager". These services can be used by those employees who have access to SAP, DirectumRX, and the Bitrix24 internal portal. Self-service services for full-time employees of the enterprise and external part-timers have also been expanded by putting into commercial operation a self-service system in the Telegram messenger "Chatbot Wiki". The instructions for working with self-service services can be found on the internal corporate portal in the section "Memos and instructions".

By the way

The Self-Service Services project has been implemented in Ruspolimet JSC since 2022. In the future, employees of our company will be able to have access to services such as bonuses and training, including using a chatbot and kiosks located on the production site of the enterprise.