
In order to increase the production of special alloys, Ruspolimet is installing new vacuum arc and electroslag remelting furnaces in the workshop of special electrometallurgy. The implementation of this project will allow the company to increase its capacity for the production of heat-resistant steels and alloys and products made from them. A significant investment project for the development of the center for special metallurgy started in 2022.

At the initial stage of the project, a new production building was erected for two ESP furnaces and two VDP furnaces, one of which is currently in the hot testing stage, the rest are in the installation stage. The building for the fifth furnace has already been built, engineering communications are being installed, and foundation work is underway. All units will be launched according to the schedule, the final stage is scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year.

The staff of the new production site of the workshop is 95% staffed, the employees have completed theoretical training and have begun to implement the acquired knowledge in practice. Moreover, the workshop staff has gained experience in the operation of this type of units.

The installation of additional capacities will allow the division to almost double the volume of metal production by vacuum arc and electroslag smelting methods. Customers place extremely high demands on the properties and quality of the metals and alloys being smelted. The manufactured products meet all the stated characteristics, therefore, there is increased interest in them.

The investment project provides for the installation of several units of auxiliary equipment at the production facilities of the division. In particular, several lifting cranes, including to increase the productivity of the site for the preparation of charge materials, a stripping and grinding machine, a laboratory vacuum induction furnace, which will be launched next year.


Earlier, as part of the main modernization program, Ruspolimet created one of the best centers of special metallurgy in Europe based on three VDP furnaces and three ESP furnaces, which meets international requirements and standards, to produce the necessary assortment and quantity of high-quality products for the needs of traditional customers such as the United Engine Corporation, Rosatom, etc.