Events from the life of factory workers

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Factory workers became participants of the Moscow marathon On September 17, Russia's most massive race and the country's main marathon took place in the capital of our Homeland for the 10th time. Traditionally, about 40,000 people took part in this large-scale event with a 10 km and 42.2 km race, among whom were both professional runners and sports enthusiasts from all over Russia.

Employees of Ruspolimet JSC also became participants in this famous and popular race. They stood at the start of the country's main running event and received well-deserved awards - finishing medals and the delight of tens of thousands of people. They have done what many people only dream of!
Sightseeing trip to Kaluga Employees of the technological management departments of Ruspolimet JSC visited the K.E. Tsiolkovsky Museum of the History of Cosmonautics in Kaluga and the ethnographic museum Park located in the village of Petrovo, Kaluga Region, as part of a tourist trip.

This museum presents the entire history of the development of space technology in the country. The factory workers were shown soil particles from the Moon, the capsule of the Vostok spacecraft, the lunar rover and many other aircraft. The impressions of visiting the museum were amazing!