Events from the life of factory workers

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Key Assets are fixed In April 2021 Ruspolymet PJSC launched a new project called the Key Assets. Its main purpose is to identify the key employees of the company and create better conditions for their professional development. The Key Assets of 2021 include 162 employees. The Silver Fund includes 118 employees, the Gold Fund includes 36 employees, and the Platinum Fund includes 8 employees. These are the best professionals of our company!
September 4: the 155-bicycle parade The bicycle parade went along the following route: Metallurgov square — by the Memorial to the soldiers killed during the Great Patriotic War in Veletma — Metallurgov square. It is Veletma villagers who laid the groundwork of the plant we see at present. Ordinary builders walked to reach the worksite. They did not care about the weather while covering such a distance, even though they were not working at the plant yet.
Thus, the participants of the bicycle parade wanted to pay their respects to the workers and builders of the plant from Veletma who played an immensely important role in the history of Ruspolymet PJSC. In total, the cyclists had to cover a distance of about 25 km.