Events from the life of factory workers

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The semi-marathon in Nizhny Novgorod The Ruspolymet team participated in the charity semi-marathon called “Run, hero!” that took part on 30 May in Nizhny Novgorod. Rain and cold did not scare our 5 brave runners: Andrey Kalmykov (lead engineer of OGMet), Sergey Almazov (fosse preparator), Sergey Gvozdev (process engineer of II category of OGMet), Vladimir Alekseyev (lead repair engineer), Oleg Kozhenkov (general department specialist), — who covered distances of 10 and 21 kilometres. The team also included professional athletes Sergey Norinskiy, Sergey Gladkov, Sergey Gorodnov.
The Garden of Memory Last year started the international campaign called the Garden of Memory, the main purpose of which was to commemorate those who died in the Great Patriotic War by planting a tree for each fallen soldier. On Saturday, 24 April, with the support of the Kulebaki Forestry Division and P. G. Igoshin, the head of the Kulebaki Deputy Council, personally, the members of the Young Professionals Board of the company planted 35 pine trees behind the Memorial in Honour of Metallurgists who died during the War, and near Teremok.