Events from the life of factory workers

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The team of Ruspolimet JSC won the city tourist rally!

From June 15 to 16, the 39th tourist gathering of working youth in hiking took place on the shores of Lake Derganovo. Four teams came to compete for the main prize  – a Cup and a tourist tent on the shores of Derganovo this year: the team "Brigade" of JSC "Ruspolimet", "Culturists" – representatives of cultural institutions of our district, the team of "Entrepreneurs" and "Sports Nation" (Metallurg sports school). The third place according to the results of the standings was won by the team of "Culturists", the second place by the team of "Sports Nation" and the winner of the rally was the team "Brigade" of JSC "Ruspolimet", which received the main prize.

A touching and touching picture appeared before the fans. The kids, coping (and not so much) with the ambient noise and the universal attention of a large audience, strove to the finish line: some are running, some are on a bike or scooter, and some are crawling... Each of the little athletes is a real hero and deserves the support and gifts that the participants of the competition received from the organizers. And the children of the factory workers also received additional prizes – scooters from our company Ruspolimet.

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A touching and touching picture appeared before the fans. The kids, coping (and not so much) with the ambient noise and the universal attention of a large audience, strove to the finish line: some are running, some are on a bike or scooter, and some are crawling... Each of the little athletes is a real hero and deserves the support and gifts that the participants of the competition received from the organizers. And the children of the factory workers also received additional prizes – scooters from our company Ruspolimet.

" href="/upload/iblock/6e2/hq0cqo6tq192et424p937xeiscskje4m/FrdSE5dwZFI.jpg">
Little metallurgists on a pedestal!

To be more precise, the children of Ruspolimet employees, who, despite their very young age, took part in their very first "Little Sprinter" competitions in their lives.

A touching and touching picture appeared before the fans. The kids, coping (and not so much) with the ambient noise and the universal attention of a large audience, strove to the finish line: some are running, some are on a bike or scooter, and some are crawling... Each of the little athletes is a real hero and deserves the support and gifts that the participants of the competition received from the organizers. And the children of the factory workers also received additional prizes – scooters from our company Ruspolimet.